Quantified Polymerase Chain Reaction

PCR is one of the most common techniques employed to diagnose or find out a novel mutant sequence in any bacterial strain. Apart from diagnosis, PCR has many other applications as well, including sequencing whole genome of a new bacterial strain. Apart from conventional PCR,  many other procedures have have been invented to diagnose a certain infectious or genetic disorder. 
qPCR is designed by scientists to find out the expression level of a protein. We determine the quantity of RNA produced involved to form a particular protein with the help of qPCR.

How qPCR works

During qPCR, a specific gene sequence is amplified by the action of reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase converts mRNA into double stranded cDNA, this cDNA is amplified by using PCR. The thermal cycler used for PCR produces fluorescence to quantify the gene expression level.  Fluorometer detects the florescence in real time process is also termed as RT-PCR. 

The procedure is faster and more reliable. Apart from that, can be used for the detection of a variety of pathogenic conditions and genetic disorders. 


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