Antimicrobial Resistance

 Antimicrobial Resistance 

Antimicrobial Resistance is the ability of a microbe to resist antibiotics designed to kill or prevent the growth of the microbe. AMR is a global problem, affecting millions of people worldwide. In the United States, AMR is a serious health concern affecting around 3 million people. 

Microbes attain antimicrobial resistance due to the over-dosage of antibiotics resulting in resistance to pathogens. A more important cause of antimicrobial resistance is the genetic change in the microbe's genome, which may cause antimicrobial resistance. Due to the advent of multidrug-resistant bacteria, infectious diseases are being more prevalent affecting the health system severely worldwide. 

What are Superbugs

Superbugs are micro-organisms resistant to a variety of antibiotics. If we are faced with the emergence of such a kind of superbug, it would be a challenge for us to control the spread of the pathogen. 

How can we prevent AMR

We can prevent Antimicrobial Resistance by adopting appropriate hygienic measures, optimal use of antibiotics, proper waste disposal, and proper sanitation system. Healthcare settings must be sterilized to prevent dangerous consequences of AMR. Antibiotics must be used in prescribed quantities. Self-prescription may be one of the main causes of AMR. Other than that, taking medicine without following a physician's guidelines can strengthen the pathogen. Proper monitoring and evaluation must be taken place to avoid the problem. 

There is a need to manufacture antibiotics with unique mechanism of action to prevent the growth of microbes in order to control AMR. Research community is putting their efforts to defeat the resistant pathogens by employing latest technology i.e., Crispr-Cas9


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