
Genes are regulated by transcription regulators and enhancers. However, several other mechanisms are involved to functionally express a gene. Suppose a script is directed by specific regulators to express a particular gene sequence. If a cell is meant to produce a specific protein, the gene will be activated to produce a certain trait or protein. The false gene regulation can result into certain disorders, one of the predominant examples is cancer. In cancer, the transcription factors regulating cell division are mutated.  

Difference between genetics and epigenetics

Genetics is the transfer of genetic information from parent to offspring whereas epigenetic involves the process that control gene expression. The environment has a great influence on the expression of genes. So, if two individual are genetically similar, there may be a greater differences regarding the phenotypes due to changes in the gene expression. The genetic material is same but the expression is different. Today, scientist's main focus is to overcome the diseases by using epigenetic phenomenon as it can be cause of many diseases including cancer. The science of epigenetics is very interesting and help us exploring the solutions of diseases once we considered are incurable. 

Epigenetic changes involves the DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin remodeling. DNA methylation is most predominant phenomenon involving the silencing of genes not needed to function for a particular cell or tissue. There are types of chromatin i.e., Heterochromatin and Euchromatin.

Heterochromatin is the inactive part of DNA that can't be expressed is called heterochromatic, whereas
Heterochromatin is the part of DNA that is accessible by chromatin re-modelers and is active. Genes can be expressed in this region. 

Epigenetic is most recent and advanced phenomenon in which genes are turned on and turned off depending on the cell type i.e., insulin is expressed by pancreas cells, Hemoglobin by Red Blood Cells, Fibrin by White Blood Cells etc. 


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